2024 Summer Enrichment  Program Application
The ABCUSD Summer CTE Enrichment Programs will provide any 8th grade students or 9-11th grade students enrolled in a CTE course the opportunity to participate in diverse course offerings, CTE pathways, industry-recognized certifications, and work-based experiences. Acceptances are based on a first-come, first-served basis, and each student is limited to participate in only one course due to capacity limitations. Please fill out and submit this google form to apply. 

When: Weekly courses from June 10 - July 26 |  9AM to 2PM  

Where: Artesia High School | 12108 Del Amo Blvd, | Lakewood, CA 90715

Eligibility: Current 8th - 11th grade ABCUSD students. 
*9-11th grade students must be enrolled in a CTE course.

*Tentative field trip for selected courses - More information will follow closer to program date.
*Lunch will be provided - Menu will be available closer to program date. (A sack lunch is required on field trip days) 
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